Robin Summerfield

 11988423_10204776539081517_4538318713924095913_nRobin and I discuss some of the wonderful and positive things happening in our area, including how keeping a positive and supportive attitude can go a long way to helping new ideas be successful. We also discuss the importance of voting and being a part of the electoral process no matter what party you are affiliated with.Robin has been involved in community organizing, advocacy, and public policy since 1999. His current position as a field representative for US Senator Ben Cardin makes Robin the eyes and ears for the senator in western Maryland. Robin travels between Frederick, Washington, Allegany and Garrett counties.Enjoy! out Allegany Rising   a place for positive things in Allegany County! 11350560_10204235153867225_7455266397424751694_n 10997329_1546141172322486_4400629919546454956_nRobin reminding us it is never to cold to Grill11037879_10203673505226360_1715910874190916870_nThis is Andy the Career Change Lab find out more: HERE 


Kelli Allaway; Mixx


Dronesters: Featuring Brian Oxford and Andrew Hill